Wednesday, August 8, 2012

3DThursday - Commonality

I'm finally starting out some real Transformers modeling, but first I've got to get some props built that will be common to a lot of the characters.  There are hands obviously, and a template for heads (male and female).  I realized another one that'll be used pretty often are tires.  Practically everyone needs them, except maybe Cosmos, but since he's not in this comic, just ignore that.

Boring caps.

Ugly sporty caps.
Here's the two I've modeled so far.  The boring caps actually look good to me, but I'm a bit disappointed by the sporty caps.  I might go in and subdivide the spokes so I can smooth them out better.  I'm also going to check out some tutorials on them because I've got an off road tire modeled, along with a few industrial caps too.  Should be done with them by next week.

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