Friday, October 15, 2010

Protofriday - Doodles

I'm an compulsive doodler. I have a blank sheet of paper in front of me - or even paper with big blank spots on it - and I'll doodle anything. I try to stick with stuff that needs doodling, like this comic, but sometimes it'll end up as just a bunch of squiggles. Because of that, most of my drawings for the Prototytans end up being really tiny and sometimes, unfortunately, indistinguishable. I've got designs for new characters that are smaller than a dime! Good thing I've got a zoom on my scanner, right?

Anyway, here's a few tiny sketches blown up a bit. The first doodle is fleshing out of the original sketch of a character called Feedback. She's a SmartCar emergency vehicle and transforms into a somewhat stereotypical nurse. Think Animated First Aid. She's got a bit of a Lockdown transformation with her legs as well.

Got some redesigned Insecticons as well. I never liked their origin in the cartoon, how they got insect robot modes by scanning the local area. How did it work for them, but not anyone else? Why didn't they end up scanning motorboats or farm vehicles or even bicycles? So anyway, they'll be keeping their Cybertron modes for the time being. I'll just need to rethink their name. Bombshell transforms into an H-tank like Animated Shockwave and Kickback's alt mode is a motocycle. Shrapnel (not pictured) will be a drill jet. Because jets with drill bits are awesome!

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