Friday, May 1, 2009

No news is good news, right?

Well, not exactly. Right now, no news is just that... no news. I wish I had more to update with, considering how long it's been since I updated last time, but I really haven't done anything. I'm still planning now, but as with most projects in my life, planning is a lot easier than implimenting.

I'm making very slow progress on my tank animation, mainly just cleaning up the tank model itself. After that, I need to skin the whole thing and make it pretty. I'm going to change a good deal of the animation though because at the end of the movie, the tank's going to TRANSFORM. Yeah, it's not a huge surprise considering who I am, but it will look cool (I hope) and it would show off more animation than just the tank rolling around. I'm still trying to figure out how to cut it up, but once I finish skinning, I should be able to slice that thing into pieces. It won't be a very detailed robot mode, but it'll get the job done. And my favorite part - the tank's giant cannon barrel is going to become a massive hammer.

On other school-related news, my graduation date has been pushed up to September 12. Don't ask me how, the school's messing with schedules left and right. My other classes are going good as well, but they both have big projects, making this one of the most packed-in terms I've had in a long time. Thank god I've got a week break coming up, though I'm still trying to decide if I should work it or not. On one hand, I need the money; on the other hand, I need the sleep.

I've also started coming up with an idea for another Transformer photo-comic, this one using actual photos! It's based around all the Legends figures I have. Of course, I don't really have time to do this, so even if I get a good story written up, I'm going to have to shelve it until I'm at least done with school. I hate how my mind wanders.

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