Earlier this year, I laid out some pretty ambitious plans for the next few years, with the first step being learning Lightwave. With today being the last day of my training period, it's time to look back on exactly how much I've accomplished so far....
Nothing. This holiday season has totally kicked my ass, with all the shopping for presents and getting ready for company, I haven't had time to devote to the Prototytan Project at all. Well, I did do one sketch of a Prototytan-designed Shockwave, which is unnecessary since he isn't even slated to show up in the comic. Anyway, here have a looksy.
So where does all this slackery leave me? Frustrated, disappointed, and even a bit disgusted. There's no reason for me to be so behind. Frankly, I'm having way more trouble adjusting to Lightwave than I should. It's supposed to be a lot easier to learn since I knew how to work 3DSMax, but I find it's made learning Lightwave even harder. Max had some great controls and tools that I can't even find substitutes for in Lightwave. I'm not saying it'll be impossible to learn the new system, but it's going to take a lot longer than I previously thought. And even after I think I've learned everything, I'm sure many more problems will crop up. For the time being though, I'm going to keep the 2013 timetable and the 11-day modeling schedule. We'll just have to see how well I can stick with it.