Sunday, March 28, 2010

Soundwave, Megatron and... Shadowcaster?

I picked up a new sketch pad last weekend since I can't seem to find my old one anyway in the house (it's probably way down my storage hallway), and I've been taking it to work with me and actually putting it to use! I'm astounded. It's not easy to do it when you're working in a hospital surrounded by nurses and buzzers and sick people, but I got a few sketches done and online.

First up is Soundwave. I worked on his the most because I've been trying real hard to give him a new alt mode. I had planned on making him a C-130, but that idea didn't fit well, so now he's a mobile communications truck that controls unmanned aerial vehicles (which will be his minions still). I think I ironed out a realistic transformation for him.

Next is Megatron, who's been redesigned as a G6 (or G8) Howitzer.  Definitely a powerful vehicle, but not his usual tank form.  I haven't been able to draw up a real sketch of the guy yet though, my first attempt turned out super crappy.

Finally, I've got Shadowcaster, an original character of mine based off a Corsair Citation III, I believe.  I've had her planned out for years now so I didn't think a design sketch was necessary.  Yeah, she's a female, it fits the slender body of the plane better than some bulky male body.

Now none of these sketches are made for critiquing anything but the design.  I know proportions stink and the perspective is off, so please don't post that stuff.  just let me know if these designs look realistic enough to be a... transforming robot.  Yeah, just tell me if they suck.

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