Monday, January 25, 2010

Well, crap

It finally happened; my computer crapped out on me. It's not hardware either, Windows is blue-screening even in SAfe Mode. I've given up on it now though, I just need a new computer. Rich should still be giving me Lightwave someday, and I'll just load it onto a new desktop. Worst of all, I never had a chance to back-up OP since I started it, so he's totally lost. Everything else is backed-up though, so OP's my only loss.

So I've got a lot of time before I can buy a new computer, so that gives me plenty of time to work on a script. I should have a few dozen episodes done by the time I can start modeling again.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Almost there...

So Prime is just about done, but still needs a few more details.  I need to rig the back wheels so they'll move down to his feet, I still need to add the head and the hands (which thankfully I've already modeled).  I don't know what other details I can put on him, but I'm better I'll get some decent feedback online when I post it today.

Speaking of posting though...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Math sucks

It's not that it's hard, I don't have many troubles with math.  I do, however, how humbling math can be.  I was looking at my asset list the other day and I realized that if I were able to model one Transformer a week, it would take me almost a year to do the 15 robots for each faction. that doesn't include, of course, the other stuff I need to model, like the sets and props.  And, let's be totally honest here - there's no way that I can do one robot a week.   It's just depressing.  But I'll get it done.

Case in point, Optimus is almost presentable online. I still have a few things to add in, like smaller details on the larger surfaces.  I still have to finish the foot mechanics, but I'm close.  And he needs a head.  I'm hoping that by tomorrow night, I'll be ready to post pictures of both modes on the Transformers forums I frequent.  Hopefully, I'll get some good critiques there.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

News? We don't need no stinking news!

No update on the project today, though progress was made yesterday. Went to Wal*mart to check on a possible discounted MP Skywarp, but alas, no sale. I was hoping to use him as a model for intricate details on my own models, but I guess I'll just use the scout two-packs I got there a few weeks ago. We'll see what I can learn from them.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Optimal Update

Optimus seems to be coming together nicely.  I've got most of the upper body sorted out and just need to add fists, weapons, his head, and a few more details.The arms will be kinda thin, but I think it'll work once it's all done.  I haven't added any materials yet, of course, but I'm still trying to decide if I'll use cel-shading or not.  I'll try out some test renders once I get the upper body complete.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


I mentioned in a previous post (very previous) that in addition to the new designs I came up with for the Prototytans, I will be redesigning most, if not all, the other Transformers in the story.  Some of them are necessary - I'm trying to avoid mass-shifting, so Megatron, Soundwave, and a few others will require whole new alt modes.  Others, like good ol' Op here, will just be getting a minor redesign, mostly so I don't need to worry about vehicle or cartoon accuracy, but also because I think it's a challenge to create new, and sometimes more realistic, models for these characters.  

So I started with Optimus Prime, and while his alt mode won't receive much of a change, I am altering his robot mode a bit, taking inspiration from his Powermaster incarnation.  It's not much of a change, but I'm making all these characters mine (while still property of Hasbro, of course).  Besides, the comic sure has been doing this in spades lately.

New Years Resolution

I promise to actually work on the Prototytan Project now that the holidays are finally over. I've actually made some process with the story itself, even creating a few new characters, but I know I need to work on actual models now, which starts today. I promise. Really.