Earlier this year, I laid out some pretty ambitious plans for the next few years, with the first step being learning Lightwave. With today being the last day of my training period, it's time to look back on exactly how much I've accomplished so far....
Nothing. This holiday season has totally kicked my ass, with all the shopping for presents and getting ready for company, I haven't had time to devote to the Prototytan Project at all. Well, I did do one sketch of a Prototytan-designed Shockwave, which is unnecessary since he isn't even slated to show up in the comic. Anyway, here have a looksy.
So where does all this slackery leave me? Frustrated, disappointed, and even a bit disgusted. There's no reason for me to be so behind. Frankly, I'm having way more trouble adjusting to Lightwave than I should. It's supposed to be a lot easier to learn since I knew how to work 3DSMax, but I find it's made learning Lightwave even harder. Max had some great controls and tools that I can't even find substitutes for in Lightwave. I'm not saying it'll be impossible to learn the new system, but it's going to take a lot longer than I previously thought. And even after I think I've learned everything, I'm sure many more problems will crop up. For the time being though, I'm going to keep the 2013 timetable and the 11-day modeling schedule. We'll just have to see how well I can stick with it.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Megatron Monday - Special Delivery
Okay it's a week late, but here we go. I've been collecting Megatron's for a long time, but not since the beginning so there's been quite a bit I've missed. And there aren't a lot that have come out in the states either. So I've looked online and picked up a few that have before now slipped through my fingers - Alternity Megatron (Black Edition), Legends Cybertron Megatron, and World's Smallest Transformers Megatron.
I'm not going to be doing full reviews of these, but I've had them all just under a week (Legends only arrived today). I've got Transmetal Megatron coming too, but since I've had him before (lost him to GPS - Got eaten by a Puppy Syndrome) so there's no need to wait for him.
I am so happy to get these guys. I've been looking online for Legends for a long time, but I've been afraid to get anything off the internet, especially eBay. I had bought G1 reissue Megatron a long time ago, but he was someone I needed to have. Anyway let's get started here.
Alternity Megatron here is pretty damn sweet. I knew he was a bit smaller than Alternator scale, but I was shocked by exactly how small he is. Even though he's smaller, he still packs a ton of detail and articulation. He's certainly got the samurai look going for him with both swords, the loin cloth-looking thing, and the shoulder pads. He's even got those blades on his wrists that give him some extra weapons, but where the hell is his cannon? Prime kept his gun, but Megatron loses it? Bullshit.
I do have to admit that he can pull off some epic poses with or without his swords. He's got plenty of articulation in his feet giving him lots of possibilities for wide-legged poses. I'm happy with the guy, even though I would have preferred to get the silver version (but I wasn't about to pay the extra $20 for him). As cool as this figure is, he still doesn't make up for the fact that Megatron was totally left out of the Alternator line.
Legends Cybertron Megatron, like i said before, is one of my most wanted Megatrons. Okay I goofed here, he's Galvatron, but I always hated the Megatron color scheme in Cybertron. It's crazy that he gets a Galvatron upgrade, but instead of purple, he gets an original Megatron color scheme. Anyway, he's a pretty good representation of Leader class Galvatron. I'm pretty surprised by all the articulation he's got. The only thing he's really missing is the elbow joints.
I was really surprised here that Cybertron is so big. Look at how much bigger he is than the other Megatrons! I thought he was almost Scout class sized! When I was first collecting Legends figures, all of the Cybertron figures had been repainted to the Classics line. All of them except out guy Megalvatron! What the hell? They couldn't have repainted him and called him Dragstrip? Dead End? Any of the Stunticons?
Anyway, after transforming them all, he stands just a little taller than the rest of them. He fits in nicely and is still one of the most articulated Legends figures. I do have the same problem with Leader class Megalvatron - it's hard to balance the guy. There's so many joints in his legs, but his lower leg and feet are so damn big that it's hard to get the feet flat. Half the time he's just on the cusp of falling on his butt.
Last but not least, we've got WST Megatron. Here he is against Mp Prime's Megatron pistol. Can you tell the difference? Yeah of course you can, but they're pretty damn close in size, which is astounding. Besides a few colors, they're practically the same. I said earlier that I have reissue Megatron, but he's still int he box, so there's no way to compare them.
Here he is in robot mode with MP Megatron. I'd show them both in gun mode to see how close they are, but there's no way I was about to try to transform MP Megatron. Fuck that! I can't believe they got that robot mode in such a tiny package. I've never played with the original Megatron so I can't compare the two, but I wish the little guy had some tabs to peg the arms in the side of his torso. Did the original have them, or did everything just kinda sit together and fall apart when he touch him?
Anyway, yeah these guys are the newest additions to my collection, which is getting way too big. Honestly, once Transmetal gets here, I think I've got all the ones I need until Reveal the Shield shows up. I guess I could get some Voyager movie figures.... and Activator... nah screw that, those movie toys can kiss my ass.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Protofriday - Shadowcaster
Function: Aerial Surveillance
Motto: “Watch your step and you miss the view.”
Is usually so obsessed with flying that she spends all her time watching the skies and missing the targets on the ground she is supposed to track. Very arrogant because she is the only Prototytan that can fly in both modes. Often ignores orders for cooperation if she feels she can do better on her own. In jet mode, has a top speed of Mach 1.3. Engines can create thick seeded clouds that can cover her movements. Can release a charge into the clouds causing massive lightning bolts. In robot mode, arm mounted engines allow her to fly, but maneuverability is low. Carries a liquid-nitrogen gun.
Vehicle Mode: Cessna Citation III
Strength: 7
Intelligence: 9
Speed: 9
Endurance: 6
Rank: 8
Courage: 7
Firepower: 5
Skill: 9
I posted this picture of Shadowcaster a while ago, but I never really introduced her, so here's my chance. Yes, you read right there - this is another female Transformer. See, I've got no problem with female TFs, I prefer their inclusion in the stories. I know that opens up the whole idea of TF relationships, but that's easy enough to ignore. I will admit here though that I gave her a really sexist robot mode. Thigh high boots, a mini-skirt, and a tube top. It's hard to believe you can design a Transformer to incorporate all that, but I think I got it down right.
Originally she only had the boots and the top was a complete mystery to me. I was so afraid her torso would be just one boring white.... tube. I tried to figure out how to fold something up to cover her top and give it some actually geometry, but nothing would have looked good. Along with that, her crotch was exposed, which would be inappropriate for a lady. I thought the tops of her boots may cover it, but to give her long enough legs, they'd be too short. I did figure out to have half the top slide down to become the skirt though, and would give her a bare midrif. That's not just for the look; I'm hoping to get some waist pivot articulation there, and hopefully a swivel.

The legs are pretty basic; split apart the front, extend legs down, split the nose from front and back to get her high heels. Yup, she's even got high heels. Wings fold in half and an extra panel on her butt folds up to uncover the back of ther legs. For articulation, you know.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Megatron Monday - The Way of the Gun
Special Delivery will be a week late, so instead, I'm going to be focusing on all the Megatrons. Or the essense of Megatron, more specifically. I've always been a big fan of Megatron just because of his power and intimidation. While Starscream may be more popular because of his treachery or Soundwave because of his minions, Megatron's my favorite because of his sheer ruthlessness. There's a reason he's the leader of the Decepticons, no doubt about it.
Of course, since there's been so many of them, some stand out more than others. Surely Beast Wars Megatron is a fan favorite due to his unrivaled cunning. I don't think any Megatron has had the brilliance to formulate such plans or the guts to pull them off. Hell, he even took over Cybertron (though I guess G1 Megatron did before the movie came out, I always seem to forget that). Animated Megatron is another of my favorites for finally putting down Starscream, even if it didn't keep.
With the good, there's always the bad, and there's definitely a few lackluster Megatron's as well. Robots in Disguise Megatron was supposed to be a powerhouse, yet left everything up to his flunkies, including the planning. And all the Megatrons of the Unicron Trilogy are disappointing.
But overall, Megatron still is a high point in the Decepticon ranks and only limited by his troops and the required losses in children's shows and Hollywood movies. In almost ever incarnation, I find myself hoping someone would write a darker storyline where Megatron actually wins (unless Shane McCarthy writes it, yuck). Do I wish the general Megatron persona was different? Yeah a bit, like treating his troops as more than just cannon fodder, though that only seems to show up in the comics. But overall, he's still the best villain to come out of Saturday morning cartoons. What other villain from the 80's could compare to Megatron? Cobra Commander? Too much of a wimp. Miles Mayhem? Too much like Wilfred Brimley. Mumm-ra? Too much like a Mexican wrestler.
So that's why I like Megatron; because I do. Seriously, does any of this make sense? Of course not. It's a 33 year old guy talking about a kids' cartoon character. Anyway, more modeling will be posted on Wednesday so come back then - at least most of that stuff can make sense.
Of course, since there's been so many of them, some stand out more than others. Surely Beast Wars Megatron is a fan favorite due to his unrivaled cunning. I don't think any Megatron has had the brilliance to formulate such plans or the guts to pull them off. Hell, he even took over Cybertron (though I guess G1 Megatron did before the movie came out, I always seem to forget that). Animated Megatron is another of my favorites for finally putting down Starscream, even if it didn't keep.
With the good, there's always the bad, and there's definitely a few lackluster Megatron's as well. Robots in Disguise Megatron was supposed to be a powerhouse, yet left everything up to his flunkies, including the planning. And all the Megatrons of the Unicron Trilogy are disappointing.
But overall, Megatron still is a high point in the Decepticon ranks and only limited by his troops and the required losses in children's shows and Hollywood movies. In almost ever incarnation, I find myself hoping someone would write a darker storyline where Megatron actually wins (unless Shane McCarthy writes it, yuck). Do I wish the general Megatron persona was different? Yeah a bit, like treating his troops as more than just cannon fodder, though that only seems to show up in the comics. But overall, he's still the best villain to come out of Saturday morning cartoons. What other villain from the 80's could compare to Megatron? Cobra Commander? Too much of a wimp. Miles Mayhem? Too much like Wilfred Brimley. Mumm-ra? Too much like a Mexican wrestler.
So that's why I like Megatron; because I do. Seriously, does any of this make sense? Of course not. It's a 33 year old guy talking about a kids' cartoon character. Anyway, more modeling will be posted on Wednesday so come back then - at least most of that stuff can make sense.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
Back to Work
On vacation all of this week, but things will return to normal on Monday with a Megatron Monday Special Delivery.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Protofriday - Training
When I was in my first 3D modeling class in school, the final project I had to do was build a moonbase. It included about 37 distinct structures and vehicles; a power plant, a med bay, a shuttle, etc. It tested everything I had learned in the class up to that point; polygons, geometry, splines, bevels, again etc. I got a B- on it.
So now that I'm learning Lightwave, I've decided I'm going to do the same final project to learn everything I need to. I don't remember everything that the first project required, but I'm making up a new list that will again have 37 different objects. I've got a lot longer to finish it than my class offered, but I have to figure it all out, model and surface it by the end of the year. So far I've made this rocket.
It's not much, but it was quick and helpful, And I think it was a great starting point. From now on, 3D updates like this will be posted on W3Dnesdays, and Protofriday will stick specifically with the Prototytan sketches, designs, and profiles. Megatron Monday is on hiatus this week because of a vacation, but will be back next week as well. So come back often and see how this is going.
So now that I'm learning Lightwave, I've decided I'm going to do the same final project to learn everything I need to. I don't remember everything that the first project required, but I'm making up a new list that will again have 37 different objects. I've got a lot longer to finish it than my class offered, but I have to figure it all out, model and surface it by the end of the year. So far I've made this rocket.
It's not much, but it was quick and helpful, And I think it was a great starting point. From now on, 3D updates like this will be posted on W3Dnesdays, and Protofriday will stick specifically with the Prototytan sketches, designs, and profiles. Megatron Monday is on hiatus this week because of a vacation, but will be back next week as well. So come back often and see how this is going.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Protofriday - Timeline
I think I've got a plan! There's a lot of stuff for me to do and, luckily for me, there's not a little time to do it in. I posted earlier about my asset list and everything I'll have to make up for the Prototytan Project; fourty-six robots, a half-dozen humans, a few sets, and a lot of props - and that's just for the first season. But before I do all that, I still have to learn Lightwave. It's not completely new since I'm transitioning from 3DS Max, but it's still taking some time before I get comfortable with it. It's an uphill battle, though, because I'm stubborn and hate having to adjust to new things.
I've looked at all the assets and I've figured out a timeline that I think will give me enough time to get everything modeled. The timeline has a few steps; the first is the learning phase. I'm giving myself til the end of the year to learn as much as I have to about Lightwave. I'll go through a ton of tutorials, I'll model a bunch of junk, I'll mess with the materials, everything I can do to learn without feeling pressured to make a Prototytan just yet. I don't want to start out trying to model Huffer or Reaper and just get frustrated when nothing's turning out right. So I'll start out with toasters or rockets or whatever else I can think of. Also during this time, I'll finalize the alt mode and design for all the robots. There'll be lots of sketches here so hopefully I'll have a lot to post here.
The second step is the asset production. As soon as it turns to 2011, I'm going to start modeling with a purpose. I'm giving myself a long time - two years - to model everything I need. I'll start with the robots and give myself 11 days to model and surface each one. By the time that 11th day hits, I'll have a model of the alt mode ready to sell online, and have a fully transformable robot. I measured this out and all together, it should take me 18 months. That'll give me 6 months to model out everything else; the people, sets and props. During this time, the Prototytan Project will have daily updates to keep me going.
The final thing I'll have to do before the deadline is get the first update ready to post online. It's not a long one, I think just a few pages, but it has to be ready to go by January 1st, 2013. That Tuesday is officially... Prototuesday! Watch for it!
I've looked at all the assets and I've figured out a timeline that I think will give me enough time to get everything modeled. The timeline has a few steps; the first is the learning phase. I'm giving myself til the end of the year to learn as much as I have to about Lightwave. I'll go through a ton of tutorials, I'll model a bunch of junk, I'll mess with the materials, everything I can do to learn without feeling pressured to make a Prototytan just yet. I don't want to start out trying to model Huffer or Reaper and just get frustrated when nothing's turning out right. So I'll start out with toasters or rockets or whatever else I can think of. Also during this time, I'll finalize the alt mode and design for all the robots. There'll be lots of sketches here so hopefully I'll have a lot to post here.
The second step is the asset production. As soon as it turns to 2011, I'm going to start modeling with a purpose. I'm giving myself a long time - two years - to model everything I need. I'll start with the robots and give myself 11 days to model and surface each one. By the time that 11th day hits, I'll have a model of the alt mode ready to sell online, and have a fully transformable robot. I measured this out and all together, it should take me 18 months. That'll give me 6 months to model out everything else; the people, sets and props. During this time, the Prototytan Project will have daily updates to keep me going.
The final thing I'll have to do before the deadline is get the first update ready to post online. It's not a long one, I think just a few pages, but it has to be ready to go by January 1st, 2013. That Tuesday is officially... Prototuesday! Watch for it!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Protofriday - Transition

Since the computer wasn't available to me, I turned to pen and paper for a fix. I started out by raising up, and inverting the elbow joint. Originally, the forearm rotated 180 degrees over two joints, but that's what made them so long. By raising it up, I keep it to just a 90 degree rotation, and by having the elbow joint in the middle and not the sides, I can add an elbow pad to hide the joint.
The exposed hips were another problem and without a waist, they looked too long. I added a thin waist area that will allow for rotation. The waist also has a few panels on the sides and front that will fold down to cover his hip joints.
I'm sure I'll still run into problems fitting things together though. The whole foot mechanism still has me confused. I want the wind sail up on top to fold down the become the feet, while the front of the calves are the back of the cab. How to get them to rotate arouns and sit flat, I still am not sure about.
Trying to model Prime without sme serious design beforehand has been a real learning experience. I've got basic ideas of most of the Autobots and Decepticons (who are all getting minor redesigns), but they all need a lot more work put into them. It still isn't foolproof though. Some earlier work on one of my Prototytans, Threshold, showed me that sketches don't illuminate every possible problem, and I still ran into a few snags. Still though, I had a much better idea of what to look for than I did with ol' Optimus here.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Megatron Monday
I'm sticking with Beast Wars today, going from my very first Megatron to the first Megatron I still own - Transmetal 2 Megatron. I had infact owned the first Transmetal Megatron, but he suffered from GPS (Got eaten by a dog Plastic Syndrome). So this guy is the senior member of my collection.
Those plates aren't just for the looks either! The neck has a pretty awesome feature to them that lets it bend to the side and back and forth by moving a switch on its base. The soft plastic will wobble around if not locked into place. It allows for some great posing but it is pretty limited. Another feature in his head has you pressing the back of the head down to open his mouth and fires a missile.
Man this guy looks menacing. I mean look at that scowl of his! Evil, I tell you. He keeps a similar mechanic as the Ultra Beast Wars Megatron with a mouth for a hand, but it's swapped now and its his hole neck. The movement feature works the same in this mode, same as the wings. His other arm is normal, but has a big shield on it. It looks like it could block a lot of munitions. The missiles (Megatron comes with three of them and his second launcher above his head, along with two holding slots in his wings) could work as clubs in his one regular hand.
In the middle of Megatron's chest is a soul chamber, an aborted feature that both Megatron and Tigerhawk had. Inside that little plastic orb is an empty chair. That's it. It rolls around all over the place in there. Once they decided not to have someone sitting there, I really wish they did something else with it. They could have just stuck a cat's eye marble in there and it would have looked better. Really, make it purple and you could call it an energon crystal.

I love this guy! I cannot believe the amount of detail they were able to put into him. I think that after all these years and the various Megatrons that have come out since him, he's still the best looking one. None look like they've gotten nearly this amount of work put into them. There's not a spot on this guy that isn't covered with some kind of technical or biological detail. Even better, nothing on this guy is symmetrical - if one side is bioligical looking, the other side is mechanical. Makes for one crazy looking robot. A simply amazing design.
I think it's best we start here. Megatron's a bright shiny red with hints of orange on the wings, tail and underbelly and purple on the wings. In addition to flat plastic colors, we've got translucent plastic on his wings and vacuumized metal on his head, neck, wing tips, and belly. His head and neck look absolutely stunning with the shine on them, with the overlapping plates.
His back legs are short and squat and end in some of the biggest feet I've ever seen. Even though his feet are that big, with another claw sticking off the back, I still have trouble getting him to stand in a position that isn't standing straight up. I mean, that's fine, but not very menacing since he can't look down from there.
lowered and locked into place to spread them open. The tail is made of the same soft plastic of the neck but doesn't have any posibility to it.
The only drawback to this mode is the base of the tail. Megatron's face is easily visible here, with only a small translucent orange visor that covers have his face. If they had made something that fully covers his head, whether it's translucent or not, it would have made a huge difference. As it is, The tail doesn't look like it fully attaches to the body and has a damned face on it. The thing looks like a Megatron Comet has mounted the dragon's ass.
Before we check out the robot mode, there's a third vehicle mode that most Transmetals have. Once the second Transmetal wave came out, they dumped the vehicle mode, but Megs kept his. It's kinda ridiculous though so I wish they just dumped it. Fold all his legs up exposing a few wheels and he becomes some kinda drag-ster. Get it? Dragon? Dragster? Yeah, I hate
myself too.
Man this guy looks menacing. I mean look at that scowl of his! Evil, I tell you. He keeps a similar mechanic as the Ultra Beast Wars Megatron with a mouth for a hand, but it's swapped now and its his hole neck. The movement feature works the same in this mode, same as the wings. His other arm is normal, but has a big shield on it. It looks like it could block a lot of munitions. The missiles (Megatron comes with three of them and his second launcher above his head, along with two holding slots in his wings) could work as clubs in his one regular hand.
The posibility in this guy is great. The legs are extended from his dragon mode and have two knees (the lower one swivels) and keeps his huge feet, allowing for a lot of different poses. Megatron's right arm (the dragon head) can still get pretty decent poses and the mouth can still hold some smaller stuff (like a little Sam Witwicky figure), though the springs keeping it closed aren't that strong.
Overall, this is a fantastic figure and one of my favorite. Megatro's never looked more powerful or menacing. He's a damned dragon, and not a lame one like RiD Megs had, two-headed or not. I highly recommend this guy to any Transformers fan.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Protofriday - Doodles
I'm an compulsive doodler. I have a blank sheet of paper in front of me - or even paper with big blank spots on it - and I'll doodle anything. I try to stick with stuff that needs doodling, like this comic, but sometimes it'll end up as just a bunch of squiggles. Because of that, most of my drawings for the Prototytans end up being really tiny and sometimes, unfortunately, indistinguishable. I've got designs for new characters that are smaller than a dime! Good thing I've got a zoom on my scanner, right?
Anyway, here's a few tiny sketches blown up a bit. The first doodle is fleshing out of the original sketch of a character called Feedback. She's a SmartCar emergency vehicle and transforms into a somewhat stereotypical nurse. Think Animated First Aid. She's got a bit of a Lockdown transformation with her legs as well.
Anyway, here's a few tiny sketches blown up a bit. The first doodle is fleshing out of the original sketch of a character called Feedback. She's a SmartCar emergency vehicle and transforms into a somewhat stereotypical nurse. Think Animated First Aid. She's got a bit of a Lockdown transformation with her legs as well.
Got some redesigned Insecticons as well. I never liked their origin in the cartoon, how they got insect robot modes by scanning the local area. How did it work for them, but not anyone else? Why didn't they end up scanning motorboats or farm vehicles or even bicycles? So anyway, they'll be keeping their Cybertron modes for the time being. I'll just need to rethink their name. Bombshell transforms into an H-tank like Animated Shockwave and Kickback's alt mode is a motocycle. Shrapnel (not pictured) will be a drill jet. Because jets with drill bits are awesome!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Protofriday - Plans
With Megatron taking over the blog here, I think it's a good time to reestablish what exactly the Prototytan Project, and specifically what I'm going to do with it. The Prototytans are a new faction of Transformer created solely by me. At first, I was just planning to make a comic featuring them with our regular Autobots and Decepticons, but as their designs became more technical and their numbers grew, I thought how I'd like to see more of these guys. I put an awful lot of work into them (or at least I will), and I wanted to make something of it. So I planned to model out the Prototytans alt modes as detailed as possible and sell those models on Renderosity or Turbosquid, and hopefully be able to sell them from my own site. I thought it was a pretty ambitious plan that would hopefully get me some decent returns.
And then I found Shapeways. I had originally hoped to do some kitbashes of my characters, but having tried one, I gave up. Not totally! But after seeing some of the stuff created on Shapeways, like Venksta's WSTs and his Skyfall upgrade kit. I had no idea you could make anything so intricate from 3D models. I know it's pretty cost prohibited, but I feel pretty strongly about the viability of my Prototytan designs, so I think it's worth trying.
Now I'm not a total fool here and I'm not going to spend a ton of money on a model without some small-scale trials. That's what the Legends scale is for, right? Something I'm a huge collector of already. So before I try doing any full-scale Deluxes or Voyagers, or whatever size they'll end up, I'm going to make some simplifications and pump out some Legends.
Crap, now it's Saturday. Anyway, as I was saying I'll be making some Legends to go along with my collection. I'm not sure now if I'd try to mass-produce these Legends figures, but I'm pretty sure the bigger ones will never be made for distribution. Those things are going to be expensive! I'd be lucky if the sale of 3D models would cover the cost of just making the originals.
Everything's still a while away, and the comic itself is still my top priority. One day though, I intend to hold my Prototytans in my hand and hopefully not break them somehow.
And then I found Shapeways. I had originally hoped to do some kitbashes of my characters, but having tried one, I gave up. Not totally! But after seeing some of the stuff created on Shapeways, like Venksta's WSTs and his Skyfall upgrade kit. I had no idea you could make anything so intricate from 3D models. I know it's pretty cost prohibited, but I feel pretty strongly about the viability of my Prototytan designs, so I think it's worth trying.
Now I'm not a total fool here and I'm not going to spend a ton of money on a model without some small-scale trials. That's what the Legends scale is for, right? Something I'm a huge collector of already. So before I try doing any full-scale Deluxes or Voyagers, or whatever size they'll end up, I'm going to make some simplifications and pump out some Legends.
Crap, now it's Saturday. Anyway, as I was saying I'll be making some Legends to go along with my collection. I'm not sure now if I'd try to mass-produce these Legends figures, but I'm pretty sure the bigger ones will never be made for distribution. Those things are going to be expensive! I'd be lucky if the sale of 3D models would cover the cost of just making the originals.
Everything's still a while away, and the comic itself is still my top priority. One day though, I intend to hold my Prototytans in my hand and hopefully not break them somehow.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Megatron Monday - Beast Wars Megatron
Today, I thought I'd be a bit nostalgic. This is the first Megatron I ever bought, way back before I even started collecting Megatrons. Okay, it's not actually the first one, I gave that one away, but I found it at a toy sale and picked it up again.
Back when Beast Wars got started, we got our first peak at Optimus Prime and Megatron in a two-pack. It was my first BW purchase, and I'm guessing almost everyone else's at the time. I was pleased and disappointed at the same time. Pleased because for the first time, we actually had a figure with a full range of articulation. Ball and socket joints, baby! I don't even know if I ever saw one before Beast Wars actually. And spring-loaded transformation? That didn't look like absoute crap? Awesome!
I was underwhelmed by the fact that both figures were basic sized. These were the leaders, they can't be this small! Megatron was an alligator, really? Optimus had swords but no guns? I didn't know at the time that there would be Ultra Class sized versions, so sue me. Anyway, I never got the chance to buy the first Ultra, so until Transmetal Megatron, this was my only Beast Wars leader. Until I gave him away. But I got him again, so let's review this bugger!
That is a lot of green. I am glad that the arms and legs are a much lighter and brighter shade than the rest of the body. That giant alligator head on his torso looks pretty intimidating, especially with those deep red eyes. He's got five sets or ball joints (shoulders, elbows, wrists, hips, and knees) and one more in his neck, which unfortunately doesn't let him look up. His feet are on a pivot though, and it causes some problems with posing. The bottom of the feet are slightly rounded, but when the legs are spread, the figure stands on the very rounded sides of his feet and can't balance. I was really lucky to get this pose to stay for one photo.
As you can see here, this Megatron comes with a pistol formed from his tail. I think this is the first Megatron I had ever seen without a signature cannon. I mean sure, this pistol is huge, but it's not the same as an arm or shoulder mounted cannon.
This doesn't quite make up for the omission, but I like it enough. Plus, the wrist joint is pretty weak on this guy and he's always holding his gun like a pansy. He passes the chest test with flying colors and can even scratch his head, but he fails my new test - the seat test! He can't sit down because the alligator feet folded behind his calves and the alligator body hanging off his ass. It's not that important of a test, but I'd hate to think he's got to stand on his throne because he'll slide out if he tries to sit in it.
Megatron's alt mode looks great for the first actually beast modes we've ever seen. Before this, everything looked like a robot dinosaur or a robot lion. But this looks like a regular, run-of-the-mill alligator, and I'm impressed with it. He's still mostly a dark brownish-green, but there's more light green paint aps along his back. I wish some had made it onto his head a bit, but I understand why they didn't. Sure there's hardly any articulation, but they've got it where it matters - his mouth! This guy can chomp the shit out of anything in his way. Well, anything less than a centimeter tall.
Sam never looked more comfortable! So there you have it, our first glimpse into the Beast Wars before Megatron got turned into a T-Rex so they can pull off the King Kong angle between him and Prime. I never thought I'd miss this guy much after I stupidly gave it to a girlfriend of mine, but I was surprised to find him, and I'm glad I picked him up again.
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