With only one more week left in my Character Modeling class, I've finally finished mapping out my guy. I found out what I was doing wrong last time - I was listening ot the teacher! For some reaosn he was telling me to do things way beyond what I needed to do and confused the crap out of me. But I've got it fixed and this guy is looking... well, okay. Hey, I said I only had one more week to go, so I had to put a rush on him.

Anyway, I gotta say I'm not very happy with this guy. I know there's no one to blame but me (except maybe my teacher), but I just don't like him. I wanted to give the character a certain watercolor appearance and I couldn't figure out a good way to do that. Granted I didn't spend a lot of time looking either. I also wanted to render him cel-shaded, but I don't know how to work that either. All in all, I'm pretty disappointed in myself. I'd say I don't care because I'm not hoping to get into character animation, but that's not entirely true since I'll be applying textures like this to anything I model.

Unfortunately, I've got skinning to do next. And I have no idea how to do it. Most of it looks pretty difficult and I've heard it's the most tedious part of the job. I've got the bones mapped out, but I'm stuck trying to link the chains from this guy's belt to his arms. I think by the time I finish this project, I'll have to delete the chains completely. It doesn't help when I ask the teacher how to do it and all he says is "I'm not sure, I'll have to get back to you on that." We'll see how it turns out next week. I'd just better not get docked points for missing details. Well, those missing details, I'm fine with them on the rest of it.
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