I'm done! Honestly, it's a cross between "I've done as much as I can" with "I don't think I really care anymore". I've done what I wanted to do though - create a very low-poly model vehicle that will be easy to convert to a robot model. I'm not aiming for those highly-detailed Unicron Trilogy 3D and definitely not the hyder-detailed movie styles - I'm trying to stick with a Generation 1 asthetic. I think this model fits pretty well within that criteria.
Now from here, I've got two different directions I need to go with this model. Everything else I model will go through both of these steps.
- Texture this model with realistic colors. Once it's all brown and green camo, I'll post it online as is for sale to other people wanting a very low poly model.
- Cut this guy up for transformation.
I'm not going to be posting step 1 on the blog though, instead focusing solely on step 2 here. So next time you see this model, expect to see it in pieces!