Saturday, March 19, 2011

Protosaturday - This Is It!

I'm done!  Honestly, it's a cross between "I've done as much as I can" with "I don't think I really care anymore".  I've done what I wanted to do though - create a very low-poly model vehicle that will be easy to convert to a robot model.  I'm not aiming for those highly-detailed Unicron Trilogy 3D and definitely not the hyder-detailed movie styles - I'm trying to stick with a Generation 1 asthetic.  I think this model fits pretty well within that criteria. 

Now from here, I've got two different directions I need to go with this model.  Everything else I model will go through both of these steps.
  1. Texture this model with realistic colors.  Once it's all brown and green camo, I'll post it online as is for sale to other people wanting a very low poly model. 
  2. Cut this guy up for transformation.
I'm not going to be posting step 1 on the blog though, instead focusing solely on step 2 here.  So next time you see this model, expect to see it in pieces!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Prototuesday - Almost Done

.... with the alt mode.  What, did you think this was just a regular vehicle?  Of course it's a Transformer!

So anyway, I'm almost done with vehicle mode here - with just a few changes to the turret and barrel.  Once that's done, I'll start cutting it apart and building the robot mode with the pieces!